Italien fordert EZB-Garantie
Wundern kann es nur naive Beobachter der Entwicklung. Italien hat zunächst einen Schuldenerlass der EZB ins Gespräch gebracht, nun fordert die Regierung in Rom eine Zinsgarantie der EZB. Billiges Geld für immer lautet das Motto. Verstehen kann man es angesichts der prekären Lage der Finanzen, doch was hat das noch mit einem soliden Euro zu tun?
Zero Hedge berichtet:
- “In an unexpectedly sharp attack on the ECB, in two separate posts on Twitter, Claudio Borghi who is the euroskeptic head of the budget committee in Italy’s lower house, stressed that not only is Italy’s spread with German bonds widening, but also the ones of other nations like Spain are doing so. He added that ‚either the ECB will provide a guarantee or the Euro will be dismantled‘ as ‚there is no third option.‘” – bto: Das ist doch mal eine Ansage. Die Notenbank soll die Finanzierung sichern, egal was kommt.
- “In a subsequent interview, moments after his tweet, Borghi said that‚ there cannot be a system at the mercy of market movements‘ without any shields by the central bank – in other words, Borghi appears to be very much against a free and efficient market in which price discovery is allowed especially on such assets as Italian bonds – and noted that ‚it is significant that an external event like Turkey that has nothing to do with Italy unleashes such an effect.‘” – bto: weil eben die Märkte nicht mehr gelten dürfen!
- “Borghi warned about the upcoming end of the ECB’s QE which as (…) has been the sole buyer of Italian debt, and whose absence threatens to send Italian bond yields sharply higher: ‚Nowadays there is a system that has a residual amount of quantitative easing, but with everybody knowing that this is being phased out and will come to an end soon‘” – bto: Und ohne EZB gibt es nur noch die (bankrotten) italienischen Banken als Käufer!
Quelle: Zero Hedge
- “He also shared a vivid image of what will happen once the market realizes it is free to short Italian bonds again without an ECB backstop: ‚all know the fence that protects the prey will soon be lifted and financial speculators easily sees the periphery’s debt as an easy target and are positioning ahead of the next developments.‘” – bto: Oder sie erkennen wieder, wie riskant eine Anlage in diesem Bereich ist.
Die Entwicklung der italienischen Papiere spricht für sich:
Quelle: Zero Hedge