Vermögensabgaben sind Quatsch
Zwar ist es in einem Währungsraum, in dem Billionen von Euro geschaffen werden, ausgesprochen dumm, weil wir so beides bekommen – die Entwertung des Geldes und die hohen Steuern –, aber bekanntlich ist das geradezu ein Ansporn für unsere Politiker, genau das zu machen.
Im britischen Telegraph fand ich eine nette Beurteilung der Idee von Vermögensabgaben und Vermögenssteuern. Es lohnt eine kurze Zusammenfassung:
- „How many times does it have to be restated; wealth taxes don’t work. If you want to know why, ask Bruno Le Maire, France’s finance minister. Long experience of France’s so-called Impôt de solidarité sur la fortune (ISF) has taught him that wealth taxes are ineffective and damaging – both in terms of raising revenue and redistributing wealth. Having only recently abolished the ISF, he has no intention of bringing it back (…) The ISF is still a bad idea, he told French radio this week.“ – bto: Dabei sind die Franzosen vermögender als die Deutschen. Aber egal, wir wollen für Europa da sein und koste es den letzten Wohlstand hierzulande.
- „Rewind 30 years and there were no less than 12 European countries with some form of wealth tax. Only three remain today, and with good reason; these taxes do raise a bit of money admittedly, but any benefit in this regard is likely to be vastly outweighed by capital flight. Tens of thousands of French millionaires have left France since the ISF was first introduced in the early 1980s. Such taxes are also hugely costly to administer, and are wide open to avoidance and evasion.“ – bto: Das wissen wir übrigens auch aus Deutschland, wo die Kosten der Vermögenssteuer in keiner Relation zu den Einnahmen standen.
- “A one-off wealth tax (…) would be impossible to collect without leading to a fire-sale of equities and property. It would therefore tip the economy into a downward spiral. The triple body-blow – lost GDP, lost tax-take, and price deflation – would overwhelm the alleged gains of the wealth tax through the denominator effect. It would increase the public debt ratio even faster, therefore rendering the exercise self-defeating even on its own terms.” – bto: Das konnte man in der Geschichte mehrfach beobachten. Auch in Deutschland, wo die Immobilienpreise nach Einführung der Hauszinssteuer deutlich nachgaben. Ohnehin dürften die Vermögenswerte auch so schon fallen.
- „Mere talk of such a seizure of private assets in Italy set off galloping capital flight and accelerated the country’s slide into a debt crisis in 2011. If you want a collapse of confidence, that is the way to do it.“ – bto: Deshalb habe ich es ja in meiner Berechnung auf Immobilien in Form von Zwangshypotheken bezogen. Diese können nicht „fliehen“. Deshalb glaube ich auch, dass die Deutschen – obwohl es dumm ist – die Immobilien höher besteuern werden.
- „There is also widespread public support for wealth taxes – among those unlikely ever to pay them, that is.“ – bto: Und da komme ich eher mit der Aussage, dass die Steuer, um etwas zu bringen, viel mehr Leute betrifft, als die Bürger denken …
- „There are excellent reasons to reverse the toxic trend of rising wealth and income inequality. (…) It violates the solidarity principle and erodes the trust that underpins our rule of law. (…) But it does not take the sledgehammer of wealth confiscation to soften inequality. What the UK needs is surgical tax reform to make the system fairer, but without damaging incentives, and all within the context of net fiscal expansion (…).” – bto: Und genau so ist es bei uns.
- „Nor, crucially, is a wealth tax necessary to ‘pay’ for the pandemic. The notion that we cannot afford to cover the fiscal largesse of Covid-19 without a cleansing retrenchment afterwards is the latest iteration of Puritan-Calvinist ideology in our public life. It is a return to the austerity fallacy. The induced economic coma of this pandemic is a transfer of money from the public sector to the private sector. This will flow back over time once recovery is underway provided that firms and families are kept whole.“ – bto: Es geht eben darum, das Wachstum wieder hinzubekommen.
- „As Keynes pithily put it (with a little exaggeration), the country would not be any richer if the entire national debt was paid off. We owe the debt to ourselves (mostly). We print our own currency. This is smoke and mirrors. The collective nation is not the singular and proverbial Schwabian Hausfrau.“ – bto: Das Problem ist nur, dass wir es mit Politikern zu tun haben, die in diesen Dingen intellektuell nicht besonders intelligent agieren und sich zugleich von den anderen über den Tisch ziehen lassen.
Hinzu kommt, dass es angesichts der ohnehin gegebenen Notwendigkeit der Staatsfinanzierung durch die Notenbanken sinnlos ist:
- „The Bank of England is currently mopping up the entire debt issuance of Her Majesty’s Treasury. This QE will never be unwound or ‘repaid’, whatever the pro-forma assurances. It is pure monetary financing of the fiscal deficit – People’s QE, helicopter money, MMT, or whatever you want to call it – and much of the developed world is doing the same thing.“ – bto: Und die Eurozone macht das auch und wer da nicht mitmacht, ist einfach nur dumm.
- „There are essentially only four ways of dealing with a big debt overhang. Governments can default, restructure, (…) leave it be (…) Or they can attempt to impose the sort of swingeing tax rises and spending cuts (…).” – bto: Hier sind wir wieder bei den Deutschen, die sich immer für den falschen Weg entscheiden.
- „Or finally they can attempt to inflate or otherwise grow their way out of it, progressively rendering the debt overhang a smaller and more manageable proportion of GDP.“ – bto: Aus verschiedenen Gründen wird das mit dem Wachstum schwerer, aber Inflation wird sich erzielen lassen.
- „And it is largely how it was done in the aftermath of the second world war, from which the UK emerged with a debt mountain relative to GDP of a massive 270pc. This makes today’s problems seem trivial by comparison. Yet within three decades, the ratio had fallen back to around 50pc. This apparent conjuring trick was achieved via a combination of relatively high levels of inflation and negative real interest rates on government debt, allowing the denominator (the size of the economy) to grow much more rapidly than the nominator (the government debt pile).“ – bto: Wir sollten genau diesen Weg gehen. Das Problem ist das Verständnis der Politik, das bei uns in diesen Dingen leider unzureichend ist.
- „Don’t think there wouldn’t be consequences; in the real world there is no such thing as a free lunch. Any deliberate policy of keeping interest rates below the rate of inflation shifts the burden of adjustment from the debtor (in this case the government) to the creditors (asset owners). The second world war hugely reduced inequality within virtually all nations it touched. That was largely down to its calamitous effects on asset prices and rents. Who needs wealth taxes when we’ve got the Bank of England to do the work instead?“ – bto: Die finanzielle Repression ist nichts anderes als eine langsame Enteignung statt einer Vermögensabgabe.
- „The countries that do have a theoretical debt constraint are, foremost, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Greece, and Cyprus. The euro has turned them into sub-sovereign borrowers. They cannot devalue or print their way out of a solvency crisis. The pandemic is pushing their debt ratios to nosebleed levels and it is also pushing their economies into a deflation trap.“ – bto: Warum hier Frankreich in der Aufzählung fehlt, ist mir nicht so ganz klar.
- „They can breathe (up to a point) as long as the ECB keeps buying their debt and capping risk spreads. But the German Constitutional Court has just ruled that unlimited purchases of this kind are fiscal bail-outs by the back door and violate EU treaty law. (…) Is this ruling just bluster to be followed by the usual fudge? We don’t yet know.“ – bto: Ich bezweifle, dass die EZB nicht weiter kauft. Sie wird weitermachen wie bisher, vor allem, weil das Gericht ja ausdrücklich keine verbotene Staatsfinanzierung sah.
Weshalb ich auch bei meiner dringenden Bitte bleibe: mitmachen, statt Geisterfahrer spielen und noch mehr Wohlstand bei uns vernichten!
→ The Telegraph: “A Calvinist wealth seizure is utter madness”, 19. Mai 2020