“Inequality decreased after global financial crisis”
Während die Politik gerade hier in Deutschland mit der These der zunehmenden Ungleichheit – unterstützt von als Studien verkauften Kampfschriften – in den Wahlkampf zieht, zeigen ernsthafte Studien das Gegenteil. Die Ungleichheit nimmt zwischen, aber auch innerhalb von Ländern wieder ab. Natürlich gibt es auch hier Ausnahmen, aber Deutschland gehört nicht dazu.
Die FT berichtet über eine neue Studie der Weltbank:
- “Despite popular belief, the world became a more equal place in the years after the global financial crisis, with twice as many countries seeing declines in inequality as increases (…).”
- “(…) fewer people were living in extreme poverty, or on less than $1.90 per day. In 2013, 767m, or just over one in ten of the world’s population, were struggling to survive below the line, down from 881m the year before.”
- “The consensus has been that the growth over the past 30 years of emerging economies such as Brazil, China and India has led to the biggest decrease in inequality between countries since the Industrial Revolution. That progress, however, is thought to have come at the cost of an increase in inequality within countries, particularly in the industrialised world, as competition with new powers like China has hurt workers while the wealthy have benefited from the rising value of financial assets.”
- “But the new study by World Bank researchers found that inequality within countries actually decreased since the 2008 crisis, with major industrialised economies among the beneficiaries.”
- “‚Between 2008 and 2013, the number of countries experiencing declining inequality was twice the number exhibiting widening inequality‘, the authors wrote.”
- “According to World Bank data shared with the Financial Times, the UK was the industrialised economy that saw the biggest decline in inequality after the crisis. Others include the US, Germany, Brazil and China.”
- “The most unequal countries in the world were South Africa and Haiti. In South Africa, the report found, the income share of the top 1 per cent of earners had roughly doubled over the past 20 years to a level comparable to the United States.”
bto: Manchmal tut es doch gut, auf Fakten zu schauen.
→ FT (Anmeldung erforderlich): “Inequality decreased after global financial crisis”, 2. Oktober 2016