„France: Exodus of 10,000 millionaires amid rising Muslim tensions“
Bekanntlich halte ich die demografische Entwicklung für einen sehr entscheidenden Faktor, um die weitere Entwicklung unseres Wohlstandes einzuschätzen. In meinem Kommentar zum Vergleich Japan – Deutschland habe ich die Bedeutung der Höchstleister für die Sicherung des Wohlstandes betont. Diese sind schon heute global umkämpft und wandern tendenziell in die Regionen ab, die ihnen die besten Perspektiven bieten. Gerade auch aus Deutschland.
Neben diesen Höchstleistern sind naturgemäß jene besonders mobil, die über ausreichende finanzielle Möglichkeiten verfügen. Deshalb ist die Migration von Millionären ein guter Indikator für die Bewegung der Höchstleister. Dazu interessante Erkenntnisse einer neuen Studie:
- „Rising tensions in France, especially in Paris following a series of Islamist terrorist attacks in 2015, have spurred an exodus of its super-wealthy citizens, a new report on migration trends of millionaires and high-net worth individuals across the world reveals. The report warns that other European countries, including the UK, Belgium, Germany and Sweden ‚where religious tensions are starting to emerge‘, will also see similar trends.“ – bto: Natürlich kommt in Frankreich die Besteuerung hinzu. Dennoch interessant.
- „The report was compiled by New World Wealth, an agency that gives information on the global wealth sector. The report was based on data collected from investor visa programme statistics of each country; annual interviews with around 800 global high net worth individuals and with intermediaries like migration experts, second citizenship platforms, wealth managers and property agents; data from property registers and property sales statistics in each country; and by tracking millionaire movements in the media.“
- „According to the report, Millionaire migration in 2015, France topped the list of countries with maximum millionaire outflows as it lost 10,000 millionaires, or 3% of its millionaire population. Among the cities that saw maximum millionaire outflow, Paris, was at the top – losing about 6% of its millionaire population or 7,000 millionaires in 2015 to the UK, the US, Canada, Australia and Israel.“
- „‚The large outflow of millionaires from France is notable – France is being heavily impacted by rising religious tensions between Christians and Muslims, especially in urban areas. We expect that millionaire migration away from France will accelerate over the next decade as these tensions escalate,‘ the report warns.“
- „Australia was the favourite destination with maximum inflows in 2015 – a total of 8,000 new millionaires. The US was ranked second with 7,000 inflows, followed by Canada, Israel, the UAE and New Zealand.“
- „ … the UK leaving the EU will not lead to an outflow of millionaires. Rather, they will remain in the country because a Brexit would likely result in re-introduction of two-year working visas for citizens from Canada, Australia and New Zealand, and inclusion of the US in the list; stronger alliances with countries like Australia, the US, Canada and New Zealand, India and China; and weaker alliances with EU countries, Turkey and the Middle East.“ – bto: Das bedarf dann keiner Kommentierung.