Die Renais­sance der Kern­kraft wird die Uran­preise treiben

Gestern ging es um Rohstoffe allgemein. Heute die Erinnerung, dass es auch bei Uran nach oben geht:

  • „As uranium ore trades at records highs, several hedge fund managers are expanding their allocations to uranium stocks, with a conviction that an increasing embrace of nuclear energy as part of a ‚green‘ future — along with geopolitically-rooted ambitions to reduce dependence on Russian oil and gas — means the trend has a lot of room to run. A dozen years after the disaster at Japan’s Fukashima reactor put nuclear energy on worldwide probation — and in, Germany, gave it a death sentence — various factors are combining to bring it back into the acceptable realm of energy solutions.“ – bto: Nicht bei uns, aber in allen rational handelnden Staaten.
  • „The International Energy Agency says that, in order to meet ‚net zero‘ goals – which describes a state where carbon emitted into the atmosphere matches the amount removed from it – global nuclear generation capacity must double from 2020 levels by 2050.“ – bto: Sollten die SMR kommen, dürfte dieser Wert noch deutlich steigen.
  • „Taken together, the uranium-friendly trends could power significant gains in the sector.“

Quelle: Bloomberg, ZeroHedge

zerohedge.com: „Hedge Funds Load Up On Uranium Stocks, Betting On ‘Dramatic Upside’“, 30. Oktober 2023