Die Agenda für den nächsten britischen Premier
Gestern haben wir am Beispiel der Schweiz gesehen, wie wichtig es ist, dem Akademisierungswahn ein Ende zu setzen. Auch in Großbritannien wird das erkannt, so von Roger Bootle von Capital Economics in einem Gastbeitrag für The Telegraph:
- “(…) many of the things which could strengthen economic performance lie beyond the narrow financial realm and stretch across many spending departments. (…) We badly need to increase corporate investment. There may well be specific measures that can be taken to boost investment, but over and above these, the Government’s objective should be to improve the efficiency of the economy and thereby encourage companies to invest more.” – bto: Das kann man genauso über Deutschland sagen.
- “Prime among such measures must be tax reductions and a reform of the tax system. It is ludicrous that a Conservative government is presiding over the highest tax burden since the late 1940s. But this is not to say that cutting taxes is either easy or provides a panacea. On the whole, Rishi Sunak was right that tax cuts do not pay for themselves – at least, in the short run. But they can pay for themselves longer term if they incentivise both businesses and individuals to base themselves here and to strive for success.” – bto: Das stimmt und gerade Großbritannien kann hier einen enormen Vorsprung aufbauen, gegeben die Weltsprache und die Unabhängigkeit.
- “Fortunately, for all the ill that it is causing throughout the economy, the current bout of higher inflation can do us a few favours here. Inflation usually boosts government revenue more than proportionately and this is especially true now since the previous Chancellor froze income tax thresholds. Meanwhile, government spending totals have already been fixed in nominal terms for the next three years, so as inflation proceeds, real government spending is reduced.” – bto: Auch das stimmt für Deutschland, leider wird es nur nicht erkannt.
- “This provides an opportunity to cut tax rates without causing borrowing to skyrocket – provided that the Government does not yield to demands from all the usual suspects to increase spending.” – bto: bei uns leider nicht, weil die Politik das Geld lieber verplempert.
- “The UK’s trade policy has been another area of major disappointment. The new Prime Minister should lead the charge on reducing tariffs. Ideally that would be as part of a process of negotiation with our global trade partners but in some cases it would be right simply to slash our tariffs unilaterally.” – bto: Denn es muss nicht schlecht sein, im internationalen Wettbewerb zu (be)stehen.
- “Meanwhile, our energy policy is misguided. The Government could reduce green levies, remove the ban on fracking and encourage greater use of our North Sea resources. Underpinning all this should be a recognition that in today’s circumstances, it is not appropriate to continue to pursue net zero at the same speed. The objective can be retained. We simply need to pursue it more cleverly and with more patience.” – bto: Und das in UK! Was muss man da erst über unsere Politik sagen.
- “Another key area on which to direct attention is the five million people claiming out of work benefits at a time when there are many unfilled vacancies. This is primarily due to the failure of the Government’s vetting system for assessing eligibility for benefits. It needs to be dramatically improved, thereby releasing more people into the labour force.” – bto: Bei uns schafft man Sanktionen ab.
- “This relates to my last recommendation, which is going to be extremely controversial. The waste of resources involved in sending about half of our youngsters to university, in many cases to collect worthless degrees, is appalling. That proportion should be drastically reduced, thereby releasing armies of young people for gainful employment, with more emphasis placed upon apprenticeship schemes.” – bto: Das ist so zutreffend!
- “(…) to have a hope of success, governments must have understanding, vision, determination and toughness. We deserve nothing less now.” – bto: könnten wir auch gut gebrauchen….