The Economist: Das neue Deutschland
Na gut, was schreibt das Magazin denn?
- “Much of germany’s success in recent decades can be put down to staying the course. Even its dramas were dramas of continuity—as when, in 2015, Angela Merkel refused to change the country’s asylum policy in the face of a huge influx of Syrian refugees. ‘Wir schaffen das,’ she said as she held open the door—‘We can handle this.’ The much-quoted remark projected compassion and confidence while offering voters astute reassurance. Germany was strong and stable enough to cope with this extraordinary development. There would be readjustments, but no deep changes, nor serious costs.” – bto: Schon damals war jedem nüchternen Betrachter klar, dass dies nicht stimmt. Heute es noch so zu charakterisieren, zeugt von einem gewissen Bias.
- “The crisis brought on by Russia’s attack on Ukraine this February is of a different order. (…) Speaking just three days after Russian tanks rolled over the border he declared the arrival of a Zeitenwende—a change in the spirit of the times. Germany would support Ukraine to the hilt, he said. It would punish Russia with sanctions and pump up its own army. It would reverse its willingness—partly a policy of engagement through trade, partly opportunism—to depend on Russia for inordinate amounts of natural gas.” – bto: Auch hier wissen wir bereits in jeder Hinsicht, dass das nicht so eingetreten ist. Es waren hole Worte. Deutschland hat nicht reagiert und wir haben nicht konsequent gehandelt.
- „The Greens in Mr Scholz’s coalition seem willing to bite bullets on nuclear-power stations and coal power. Conservatives talk of releasing the deficit-spending caps that have hogtied public investment; titans of industry admit that yes, German business will sink if it does not learn to swim in new and rougher waters.” – bto: Auch das ist eine Beschreibung, die nicht stimmt. Statt einen Kassensturz zu machen, wird gerade bei der Energiepolitik der falsche Kurs beschleunigt fortgesetzt.
- “(…) a new Germany is emerging: one more pragmatic and less preachy, less self-satisfied and more decisive. It promises to evolve into a more self-reliant and more assertive locomotive for an expanding European project, a global hub for new industries and green technology and a country comfortable with asserting itself using its armed forces.” – bto: Da kann man nur sagen, wo lebt der Autor. Solange wir uns weigern, kostengünstige und sichere Energieversorgung als Voraussetzung für unseren Wohlstand anzuerkennen, sind wir nicht auf dem richtigen Kurs. Wie eine schrumpfende Erwerbsbevölkerung alle Wünsch-dir-was-Projekte der Politik finanzieren soll und dann auch noch den „Ausbau des europäischen Projekts“, bleibt mir schleierhaft.
- “Pressure had been building for years. Prosperous as they were, Germans could see that their infrastructure was aching after decades of underinvestment, that their industry was overdependent on exports to China, that companies struggled to find the right staff. Many felt longer-term challenges such as climate change and keeping the pensions system solvent were being neglected.” – bto: Also, dass Klima nicht das alles beherrschende Thema war, kann man nun wirklich nicht behaupten.
- “Six months on from the chancellor’s speech, his government’s record of moving from words to deeds is not too bad. Germany has sent money and arms of its own to Ukraine’s government. It has provided further money through the EU and ‘backfill’ deals in which German arms (…). It is also hosting close to a million refugees.” – bto: Wir haben wieder mal Geld gegeben. Und was ist mit einer Strategie zum Umgang mit Gasmangel und Energiekosten? Die Regierung hat fast sechs Monate ungenutzt verstreichen lassen.
- “The part of Mr Scholz’s speech that most heartened his nato allies was his pledge to crank military spending up to 2% of gdp, a goal which the alliance agreed on more than a decade ago but which Germany has egregiously failed to meet. In the mid-2010s it was spending only just over 1%.” – bto: Wir wissen, dass wir es auch künftig nicht einhalten werden, denn es fehlen in den kommenden Jahren Milliarden zum Ziel. Es ist nicht der letzte Bruch eines vollmundigen Versprechens der Regierung.
- „Mrs Merkel’s various administrations not only let Russia’s share of gas imports reach 55%. They also approved the sale of refineries, gas-storage facilities and other crucial infrastructure to Russian firms. They built no terminals for liquefied natural gas (lng) tankers coming from more distant providers; they banned fracking, a technology that could have allowed Germany to exploit its own gas reserves. (…) Nuclear power was phased out in an ill-thought-through response to the disaster at Fukushima.” – bto: immer getrieben von den Grünen, die heute so tun können, als hätten sie mit dem Desaster nichts zu tun.
- “The anticipated difficulty of weaning the country off Russian energy by the summer of 2024, as the government hopes to do, has provoked fears of catastrophic deindustrialisation and popular uprising in the press. So far, though, reductions have been faster than expected and not particularly painful. (…) Reductions in demand are moving ahead. (…) The government plans to launch an auction mechanism that will let firms offer reductions in gas use at a specific price, allowing the government to find the most efficient options. To encourage frugality among domestic users, who are typically on long-term fixed-price gas contracts, the government will be charging a gas surcharge from October, while at the same time promising further support for the finances of hard-hit consumers.” – bto: kein Wort dazu, dass diese staatlichen Maßnahmen viel zu spät kommen und wir immer noch sehr viel Gas für die Produktion von Strom verwenden.
- “The war has provided strong tailwinds to the Greens’ ambitious plans to expand renewable capacity in Germany, and Mr Habeck is using the crisis to overcome political resistance to those plans in states governed by the Christian Democrats. In July the upper chamber of parliament (in which the states are represented) approved a package of measures to speed up planning, approval and construction of green-energy projects he had brought forward. !Mr Habeck has been helped by his willingness to be pragmatic, as in the temporary reopening of mothballed coal-burning power stations. He has not yet buckled on long-standing plans to shut down the last three nuclear plants in December, a move which will reduce electricity supply by 6%.” – bto: Selbst der Economist hinterfragt nicht die Sinnhaftigkeit einer Energiepolitik, die neben sehr hohen Kosten keinen Beitrag zum Klimaschutz leistet. In anderen Artikeln zeigt das Magazin aber auf, dass man für 100 Dollar/Tonne die Hälfte des weltweiten CO2-Ausstoßes reduzieren kann. Komisch, dass das hier einfach ausgeblendet wird.
- “German manufacturing is no longer growing in absolute terms (see chart 2). But in 2019, before the pandemic, it still accounted for almost 20% of gdp, compared with 11% in America and 9% in Britain.” – bto: Das spreche ich im Traum von einem Land auch an. Schon vor Corona hat die Industrie begonnen, sich aus einem Hochsteuerland mit hohen Energiepreisen, schlechter Infrastruktur, Bildungswesen und Demografie zu verabschieden. Und die aktuelle Politik beschleunigt das nur.
- „Germany’s working-age population is on course to shrink faster in the current decade than that of any other major economy save South Korea. Even with high immigration, which Germany now, in another sign of its turn to pragmatism, plans to encourage, the country is unlikely to make up for the shortfall.” – bto: Und wirklich bergab geht es demografisch dann in dem Jahrzehnt darauf.
- “Take the beloved car industry. (…) And their own car companies are moving in a Tesla-like direction—and thus in need of batteries Asia knows how to make cheaply, not fuel injectors Germany knows how to make exquisitely.” – bto: Auch hier wird es hingenommen, es dient ja angeblich dem Klima.
- Aber, der Economist will positiv enden und zitiert Constanze Stelzenmüller von Brookings, die auch in der FT seit Neuestem ihre Unterstützung für rot-grüne Politik darlegen darf, wobei mir immer schleierhaft ist, wie man ihren Ausführungen irgendwelche Kompetenz beimessen kann. Sie also „feels confident that Germany will not slump back into old habits. The Zeitenwende is real, she believes, and the government is working all-out to make it happen”. – bto: nicht in meiner Wahrnehmung. “Working all-out” hätte bei mir anders ausgesehen.
So weit der Artikel. Im Editorial, wo ja die Meinung der Redaktion dargelegt wird, ist dann noch folgendes zu lesen:
- „Complacent and just a little self-satisfied, it was late to realise how fast the world was changing around it. Now, however, a remarkable opportunity is within its grasp, as Germans experience a rare thing in a democracy: a consensus about the need for broad, sweeping change to the economy and security.” – bto: Diesen Konsens sehe ich persönlich nicht. Ich sehe einen medialen Konsens mit dem Kurs der Regierung, was aber nicht unbedingt einem Konsens bei den Bürgern entspricht.
→„Germany is facing dramatic change in many dimensions all at once“, 11. August 2022
→ The Economist:„Thanks to Vladimir Putin, Germany has woken up“, 11. August 2022