Erklärt die Psyche den Glauben, wir könnten die Welt retten?
Dies ist ein Nachtrag zum Podcast in dieser Woche. Vielleicht ein Erklärungsansatz für den Glauben, Deutschland könne die Welt retten?
Ich habe schon früher Klement on Investing zitiert. Man kann ihm unentgeltlich hier folgen: → Klement on Investing
Und es lohnt sich sehr! Ich lerne durch seinen Blog regelmäßig und sein Blickwinkel ist sehr interessant. Er ist zudem auch deutlich optimistischer als ich und dies mit guter Datenbasis und Argumenten.
Heute zitiere ich ihn mit Blick auf die psychologische Struktur von Bevölkerungen. Ich habe mich nämlich immer schon gefragt, warum bei uns in Deutschland immer eine solche Aufgeregtheit herrscht und wieso es möglich ist, grundlegende Positionen radikal zu ändern, nur weil irgendwo in der Welt etwas passiert ist. Man nehme den Atomausstieg als Beispiel und generell die Hysterie, nur Deutschland könne das Weltklima retten.
Die Antwort ist hier: Wir sind ein impulsives, neurotisches, überkandideltes Volk:
- “(…) a group of researchers has claimed they could identify another set of five cultural traits that explain national differences in values, and economic and social development (…). Using a combination of data from the World Values Survey, national census data, and machine learning methods, they have come up with the following five personality archetypes:
- Overcontrolled: People who are low on openness and neuroticism, i.e. they are not very adventurous or curious, but also not very sensitive and rather forgiving in their dealings with other people.
- Undercontrolled: People who are low on conscientiousness and agreeableness but high on extraversion and neuroticism. These are the people most of us find hard to deal with. They are impulsive, emotional, insensitive, but sometimes also genius.
- Anxious introvert: People who are low on extroversion but high on neuroticism. These are people who are more reserved and at the same time sensitive and nervous. In other words, these are what we would normally call wallflowers.
- Undirected introvert: People who are low on extroversion and low on conscientiousness, otherwise known as flaky people and daydreamers.
- Resilient: These are people who score low on neuroticism and high on the other four trades. In other words, these are the people every gets along with and who get along with everyone else.” – bto: So weit so gut, würde ich sagen. Das klingt doch einleuchtend.
- “The new research looked at the information from more than 5 million people in 47 countries to determine the average psychological make-up of each country. The chart below summarises the five dimensions for a set of developed countries (…). Note that in the chart below I have coloured Anglo-Saxon countries (USA, UK, and Australia) in dark green, continental European countries (Germany, France, and Italy) in light green, and Asian countries (China, Japan, and Korea) in blue.” – bto: Wir ragen heraus!
Abb.: Weight of personality archetypes in different countries
Source: Midgley et al. (2022), Klement on Investing
- “When it comes to the undercontrolled dimension,(…) Europeans, in general, score highly on that dimension with Germans being particularly undercontrolled. That may not sound like the German stereotype of being control freaks, but what undercontrolled means in this instance is a set of traits that include being rude and insensitive but also open to exploration, scientific and geographical investigation, and impulsive decisions to invade other countries.”
- “(…) resilience, which is where the Asian countries on average score lower than Europeans and Americans. In my view, that simply reflects the stronger orientation towards family and their own culture that make it harder for outsiders to become friendly with citizens of these countries. Europeans and Americans simply are easier to get along with because we have created more open societies and we tend to be more outgoing.” – bto: Das mag sein.
Die Haupteinsicht für mich: Wir neigen in Deutschland zu “himmelhoch jauchzend, zu Tode betrübt”. Und das bestätigt diese kleine Studie.