Gas: Europa und Deutschland leben in einer Traumwelt
Am 23. Oktober 2022 geht es im Podcast unter anderem um die Gasversorgung Deutschlands. Da lohnt es sich, die Illusionen der hiesigen Akteure aufzuzeigen. “Schon bald brauchen wir kein Gas mehr. Alles wird erneuerbar sein und deshalb müssen wir auch nur eine kleine Lücke schließen.” So denken unsere Politiker.
Nun, die Profis – die sicherlich auch Eigeninteressen haben – sehen das anders. Die FINANCIAL TIMES (FT) berichtet über Aussagen des Energieministers von Katar:
- “Qatar’s energy minister has warned that while Europe should have sufficient gas for power and heating this winter, the tougher challenge will come in 2023 as reserves are depleted. Saad al-Kaabi said it would be ‘much worse next year’ if there was a harsh winter, adding that the energy crisis could extend to the middle of the decade if President Vladimir Putin’s war in Ukraine continued and gas ‘does not start flowing back again’ from Russia.” – bto: Das bedeutet 2025 und nicht Frühling 2023!
- “‘This coming winter, because of the storage capacity being full, it’s fine,’ said Kaabi, who is head of state gas company QatarEnergy. ‘It’s really replenishing the reserves, or the storage, for next year that’s going to be the issue.’ So . . . next year and the following year, even up to 2025, are going to be the issue.” – bto: Kluge Politik würde daran schon heute arbeiten.
- „Kaabi warned that he could not envisage a future where ‘zero Russian gas’ flowed to Europe. ‘If that’s the case, then I think the problem is going to be huge and for a very long time,’ he said. ‘You just don’t have enough volume to bring [in] to replace that gas for the long term, unless you’re saying ‘I’m going to be building huge nuclear [plants], I’m going to allow coal, I’m going to burn fuel oils.’” – bto: was in dem Zeithorizont auch nicht geht, abgesehen von den sechs deutschen noch funktionsfähigen Atomkraftwerken.
- “(…) replacing all Russian gas into Europe would need an annual 112mn tonnes of LNG, equivalent to almost a third of today’s entire market. (…) Kaabi said no new, sizeable gas projects globally would start producing until 2025, when QatarEnergy’s Golden Pass joint venture with ExxonMobil is expected to add 16mn tonnes of LNG per annum to the market.
Qatar is also spending almost $30bn expanding its North Field, the world’s largest gasfield, to raise its annual LNG production capacity from 77mn tonnes to 126mn tonnes by 2027.” – bto: Das dauert und es führt zur Abhängigkeit von einem Land, dem wir an anderer Stelle die Verletzung von Menschenrechten vorwerfen. - “Qatar signed a provisional agreement with Germany in March, but those talks have been dogged by disagreements over the length of the contracts. (…) QatarEnergy prefers to sell its gas via long-term contracts, which offer it certainty as it invests billions of dollars in energy infrastructure. Qatar’s state-affiliated Asian buyers typically agree to supply contracts of 15 to 20 years.” – bto: Das ist doch auch verständlich, wenn man eigene Interessen vertritt.
- “He also cautioned that Europe had to ‘get off the discussion that gas is not needed for a long time’, a reference to hopes that the continent can move away from fossil fuels and transition to renewable sources. ‘Because everybody who’s going to invest in the gas sector, they’re looking at 25, 30, 40-year horizons to invest and to get reasonable returns on the investments,’ he said. ‘If governments are not going to be supportive of that, it’s going to be difficult for investors to come in.’” – bto: Wer das nicht will, muss es eben zu Hause machen!
- “‘Because of this pull of Europe wanting additional gas . . . the Asian buyers are looking at the same thing and saying ‘hold on, we need to be able to secure our future development needs,’ he said. ‘We’re talking to almost every customer in Asia where they are very seriously trying to close deals.’” – bto: Die EU will mit einem gemeinsamen Einkauf den Preis drücken, weil die Lieferanten – ja auch die EU – warten. Klar, oder?