Im Online-Magazin »the Globalist« veröffentlicht Dr. Daniel Stelter
ausgewählte Beiträge für ein internationales Publikum.
„European Peripheral Bond Risk Explodes: Forget Brexit, ‚Now It's Italy's Turn‘“
Eine abgewandelte Version meines Beitrags für das Manager Magazin in der letzten Woche habe ich bei the Globalist veröffentlicht. Zudem wurde es von Zero Hedge aufgegriffen und etwas ergänzt. Hier diese Version: If there was any doubt…
„Dismantle the Central Banks!“
It’s over. Trust in the once almighty power of the central banks has almost completely vanished. Sure, there are still some holdouts who believe that central banks could fix all problems in the real economy as well as in financial markets,…
Best of 2015 – „How France Will Bail Out Germany’s Merkel“
Nicht alle Leser gehen jeden Tag auf bto, was natürlich bedauerlich ist. Immerhin gibt es werktags zwei Beiträge zu aktuellen Themen aus der Wirtschaft. Deshalb zum Jahreswechsel eine kleine Auswahl der Highlights aus 2015. Bei der Sichtung…
„EU’s Fate After Paris: A Dark Scenario“
The terrorist attacks from Paris, inhuman and brutal, serve as an accelerant for already ongoing processes that have been weakening the European Union’s bonds. Now they combine in a dangerous mixture and react with each other: The…
Previous „Germanys New Role in Europe: From Taskmaster to Petitioner“
Until last summer, nothing could be done in Europe without Germany’s consent. The whole eurozone had to embark on a policy of austerity, reforms were imposed and at the height of the last Greek drama, Wolfgang Schäuble, the German finance…
„Germany’s Immigration Challenge“
Germany is considered a rational, fact-driven country, not an emotionally driven one. And yet, based on the current immigration debate in Germany, even the advocates of more immigration have little more to offer than emotional arguments. Given…
„National Liberation Fronts: United Against the Euro“
Sarah Wagenknecht, one of the most prominent representatives of Germany’s radical left, just called for abandoning the Euro as the best way to end the eurozone’s economic and social misery. Germany took notice, not least because with her…
„The Failure of Politics: Merkel’s Euro Debacle“
From this week on I will write at least one comment in English language. I know that many readers work with Google Translator. From now on at least one thought per week will be provided in cooperation with The Globalist. I have written there…