Jetzt sorgt man sich, Italien die Milli­arden nicht geben zu dürfen

Die FINANCIAL TIEMS (FT) spricht es offen an:

  • “Though the fund was agreed as a one-off measure in response to the pandemic-induced economic crisis, advocates of deeper EU fiscal integration see it as a potential precedent for further joint action. If the scheme foundered in Italy, it would increase scepticism in northern European capitals that are deeply suspicious of joint debt issuance.
    ‘The whole idea of joint borrowing by the EU is at stake here,’ said Luigi Scazzieri, senior fellow at the Center for European Reform think-tank. ‘The perceived success or failure of the fund depends on whether it seen be successful in Italy, or whether it is seen to be wasteful.’” – bto: Es geht um das Erzwingen der Schulden- und Transferunion. Deshalb muss der sogenannte Wiederaufbaufonds durchgezogen werden. Konsequenz: Die EU wird alles tun, um Italien durchzuwinken.

Und jetzt kommen die Probleme in Italien, wo der Abgang von Draghi den Anschein nimmt, die Gelder würden richtig eingesetzt.

  • “Italy has received €46bn, made up of a €25bn advance and a first €21bn tranche following initial reforms last year. Rome has submitted its second payment request of €21bn, which is currently being assessed by the commission. But with elections set for September 25, questions exist over whether Italy can meet its reform milestones set for December 31 to receive a further €19bn, worth about 1 per cent of gross domestic product. Necessary measures include the adoption of a new competition law, tax reform and an overhaul of judicial procedures to accelerate court trials that are the slowest in Europe.” – bto: Wie wir wissen, sind immerhin 1.100 Milliarden an Steuerzahlungen offen, ungefähr 60 Prozent des BIP. Wenn Italien also Geld braucht, sollte es dort ansetzen.
  • “Italy’s commitments made in return for funds include cutting red tape, bolstering competition in sectors ranging from energy to transport and strengthening public administration. They are designed to raise long-term growth prospects and ensure the sustainability of its public debt, now about 150 per cent of GDP. Although Draghi, former president of the European Central Bank, secured cross-party support for the plan at the helm of his unity government, there are fears that implementation will falter without him, jeopardising reform momentum and fiscal discipline.” – bto: Wir knüpfen Zahlungen von Milliarden an einen einzigen Mann? Das ist vernünftige Politik? Noch dazu an jemanden, der eben nicht gewählt wurde? (Anmeldung erforderlich): „Doubts over Italy’s access to €800bn EU Covid fund after Mario Draghi’s exit“, 26. Juli 2022